Sunday, August 4, 2013


In today's blog, I am going to start out by introducing one of the many trends Republicans/Conservatives have tried to start. I am going to have a list of things you will hear a Liberal say verses what a Republican would say.

Here it goes:

Liberal: "I love planet Earth, I wish people would recycle more." Compared to a Republican's: "If Jesus wanted us to recycle, he would have told us after he said all gays go to Hell" *Drives off in F 450*

Liberal: "I voted for Obama because he wants freedom and justice for all." Compared to Republican's: 'I've prayed and prayed for Mitt Romney to win, I know that is who God wants in the job." After Election, "AMERICA IS DOOMED, ALL THE GAYS GETTING MARRIED AND OBAMA IS TAKING OUR GUNS! HELP!"

Before the three Republicans that read this post send me hate mail, I go to church, every Sunday. That is actually why this blog is later than usual. And yes, I do love Jesus, the true one, not the hateful, bigoted Jesus you guys preach about.

In other news, The Tea Party plans on stopping support of GOP politicians.

Some tea baggers are complaining and saying the feel betrayed. What is that? Betrayed? Wow, I wonder how all of their gay kids or kids with more Liberal mindsets feel.

I feel betrayed by the Tea Party, I am a white person and I fit in their idea of a perfect society, I go to Church, I have a mom and dad, I don't party every night. So just when a Tea Partier sees me, I am no threat. But I still feel betrayed. The Tea Party or TP, even though I wouldn't wipe with one of them, voted down my Pell Grant funds I will receive, repealed the healthcare system that would save my parents thousands, yes, thousands a year on medical expenses, and voted against the freedom of my friends, barring them from being able to receive a legal marriage because their attractions aren't "natural."

So maybe it is time they feel betrayed, and I hope that they do drop support of these GOP candidates In this drama, let us see if one candidate realizes that they have really screwed up and maybe, they will swap their ideals with more Liberal ideals and get their states and districts in better shape!

Peace and Hillary 2016,