Monday, August 5, 2013

What is 'Social Justice?'

To me, Social Justice means that you have equality and secured freedom for the rest of your natural life.

Although the Declaration of Independence tells us that we have "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness," I don't think that applies to everyday America. Look at the LGBT community, people are killing and denying Marriage Equality to those who deserve it. I don't expect that the LGBT community is too happy about this, so that makes that phrase in the Declaration of Independence false.

How do we fix this? I think it sounds good to send all those who oppose Social Justice for the LGBT community to Antarctica, but the penguins might not like them being there, with their Hummers, ruining the ozone and melting their home, so to save a few violent penguins from murdering people, we will just keep them here.

Any other ways you can see social injustice? How about social injustice in the terms of choosing pregnancy and the rights of women? Still, in my state women cannot have a safe and legal abortion, and people are still trying to deny women the right to choose. Maybe, that women in the US still make around 80¢ per $1.00 men make.

How do we fix this? Sex education, without religion, or maybe both men and women in both political parties could stand up to their politicians, vote them out and actually get some people in congress who care about the human species. I think that would work.

Is a poverty level wage social injustice? YES! At Wal-Mart social injustice happens every time a worker, mainly associates, come in to work. At Wal-Mart my dad made around $8.25  an hour, he worked almost 80 hours and after taxes, insurance, and stock came out he made almost $550 a week. His paycheck wouldn't even pay a house payment, we lived off of my mom's $300 per week paycheck, because of our situation we could apply for Medicaid, so we never paid much more that $5 to go to the doctor or get a prescription filled. After for years, and more than enough Wal-Mart, my dad started working for our school system as a janitor, we were then punished because he is technically employed by the state and gets paid from taxes, so our Medicaid went down the drain. Now, we have to buy insurance from his employer, which costs over $600 a month!

How do we fix this? Obamacare! It would literally save my parents thousands of dollars every year! While we are at it, let us raise the minimum wage and increase taxes for millionaires and big businesses!

There are many other ways that social injustice takes place in our county, but I feel that these are the things most people know about and most people need educated more about.

I feel like you know me more and that many of you can relate to this. It is a sad life that many American's live, and it won't get better until we rid ourselves of stingy congressmen/women.

Written by Joseph

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